Monday, February 20, 2012

Fixing a new car number plate & new finding 2012-02-21

Due to the reason that somebody knocked the front of my car and causing one of the letter to fall off from the plate, I need to replace the car number plate with a new one. Went to a car accessories shop this morning to get it done. Due to the reason that the font used is different from what they have, I need to redo the whole thing. The worker took out the whole plate, measured the size of the plate, and then redo it using a whole new acrylic plate plus new fonts. The whole thing costs me about RM45.

The other thing that I found out about Isis is with its petrol lid. I noticed that the lid is out of shape, and it can't really close properly now unless with a little bit of force being applied. Found out from some Japanese website that this is a common problem with Isis. I guess I'll need to bring it over to Vision Auto again to see if they could help me out with the problem later.